Sunday, December 2, 2012

How To Promote Your Squeeze Page For Maximum Profits

Your squeeze page is a very important tool in your online marketing arsenal. It is the funnel through which all prospects come onto your list. It is imperative that it is well designed so as to be able to bring in many leads.

One important fact you must not lose sight of is is to keep it short, clear and direct.The squeeze page is similar to a sales page because they both have one primary function and that is to pull in customers and motivate them to take action, but in this case, you are asking them to subscribe to your list.


Asking them to subscribe to your list is known as a "call to action," or CTA. This is very essential when you are creating a squeeze page. Every sales letter has a CTA and your Squeeze Page being a sales page of sort must have it otherwise anything that follows will fail. Your success or failure with a squeeze page is measured by how well you succeed in letting the prospect to "take action."

Principles Of A Good CTA:

A good CTA has at least 4 prominent principles which you must critically study. Let me summarize them below:

One Only: - There should be only one call-to-action to avoid confusing the prospects and lose them. For example, if you have managed to bring prospects to your squeeze page and you want them to sign up for your List Building Course, focus on that and only that and direct them to do exactly that. Short and Inviting: - A great CTA is that one which tells the prospect what to do in only a few words, e.g. Subscribe Here, Download Here etc Urgency: - Make your CTA great by attaching some form of urgency to it, e.g. "Accepting only 150 Members," "Available Up to Midnight Today Only" Compelling: - Make your offer difficult to resist. Let the prospects feel they will lose some precious gift if they fail to join your list.One way of making a CTA irresistible is to motivate your visitors in the same way that a traditional sales page should but in this case entice them with a compelling offer or a "giveaway." This is also known as a "Branded Gift." Some people even call it an "Ethical Bribe." You must, however, have a strong focus on your market, and design your offer to solve an existing problem, satisfy a need or answer a question. In addition to that, your "ethical bribe," though free must be of top quality to be able to really entice and motivate your prospects enough to opt-in.

Promotion of the Squeeze Page:

Now that your squeeze page is set up, your main task now is to attract as many people as possible to see this squeeze page and join your list. Here are a few ways whereby you can start driving traffic to your new capture page.

Tell A Friend: - Your branded gift or offer must be of good quality and helpful to not only attract people but also be able to push people to tell their friends about it. Make the offer shareable then your subscribers will be happy to share. If you have a Thank You page, ask them to share your capture page with friends so that they may also benefit from your free gift. Write and Submit Articles: - One great sure way to promote your squeeze page is to write and distribute articles to Article Directories of which is the best. Your articles should be helpful and submitted on a regular basis. In your Resource Box, send readers straight to your squeeze page instead of sending them to your main blog. Solo Ads - Sending solo ads to ezines is just basically paying someone to send emails to their list announcing your squeeze page. It is a very powerful way to promote your squeeze page. You can make a Google search for solo or ezine ads and select the one that fits your budget. Litter Your Blog: - Litter your blog with squeeze pages at all available spaces. There should be at least 3 opt-in forms on your blog. Your best places should be the top of your side bar and at the end of it. In addition your blog posts should also contain an opt-in form, preferably at the beginning or end of the post.

If you really want to promote your squeeze page and get results, then click here for more information.

Some Effective Tips on How to Draw Traffic   How to Increase Website Traffic - 5 Simple Steps to Effective Forum Marketing   How to Syndicate Your Content for ''Cold Hard Traffic''   If You Are Afraid Of Writing A Press Release You Then Need To Read This!   Tips For Getting Real Traffic To Help You Make Real Money Online   

5 Important Things an Online Marketer Should Know

When embarking in an Online Business, there are important considerations that an Online Marketer should and must know, especially the beginners.

The failure to recognize and know these things ahead of time will deprive you of the success that you deserve in your online business.

Here are the five important things that an online marketer should know;

1. You are your own Boss

This is the good news! You control everything and finally you do not have to worry of somebody peeking at your shoulder and constantly watching on what you are doing. You have control over your time and you are not obligated to wake up early in the morning and rush to your work-place. You can work primarily at home or virtually anywhere with your laptop computer and internet connection. In a simple word, you are free from the bondage of a job!

2. It is never easy

Now, here comes the bad news... it's never easy! Like any other kind of business, you cannot just say "I am in business now" and the customers will come rushing to buy your products and services. You have to provide all the good reasons for them to come to you. A lot of the so-called Internet Marketing Gurus will tell you that it is easy. In theoretical environment like training, yes, it looks very easy. But one thing you may not realize is that, it takes years and years of experience before they have tasted success in their online business.

3. The competition is fierce

Healthy competition is good for any business. It will bring out the best in you to come out with the products and services that really offer some form of value to your customers. This is the main reason on the existence of your business by the way. But the hard truth is that, competition is eating the pie that you are supposed to take and making your life not really as easy as you might have imagined before. So, how do you beat the competition? One way is by creating products and services that are unique and really offer value to your customers. This is what we call, a "niche". This is what an Online Marketer should do.

4. Right education is critical

It is true that education can be expensive. But if you lack the knowledge you need in you chosen business online, you are guaranteed to lose money... lots of money! Therefore, you need the right education and invest in yourself for it. You will save a lot of money in the long run by educating yourself properly. You have to pay the price at the start and reap the profits later.

5. Traffic is Key

Just how important Traffic is in your online business? Well, it is like a blood in a human body. Without blood, a person will die eventually. And this is true for your online business. Without traffic to your website, there will be no visitors or leads and without leads, there will be no potential prospects. Without prospects, you do not have somebody you can convert to a customer. Lastly, if there are no customers, then you do not have an income. This is how important the traffic is to your online business website!

Some Effective Tips on How to Draw Traffic   How to Increase Website Traffic - 5 Simple Steps to Effective Forum Marketing   How to Syndicate Your Content for ''Cold Hard Traffic''   If You Are Afraid Of Writing A Press Release You Then Need To Read This!   Tips For Getting Real Traffic To Help You Make Real Money Online   How to Create a Passive Income Stream and Siphon Leads From "Ninja Traffic Sources" - Get an Edge!   

How to Boost Website Traffic Using Your Facebook Fan Page The RIGHT Way

There are now over 750 million users on Facebook. And most of those users spend a significant amount of time there. In this article I'd like to show you how to boost website traffic by showing you how to create a page on Facebook.

I'm amazed really, when I browse around at the many business fanpages I find on the Social Media giant. I'm not amazed at the number of pages or their quality; I'm amazed at how UNUTILIZED most Facebook fanpages are by their administrators. People just aren't using their fanpages properly, and those same people no doubt frequently wonder how to boost website traffic.

How to Create a Page on Facebook - The RIGHT Way

I just want to touch on a couple of the most important things that people are missing when they are using Facebook for marketing purposes.

Stop Using Your Timeline to Promote, Promote, Promote. People want good content. They love pictures, videos, games, contests, trivia, useful information, etc. What they don't want is a bunch of links to this website, or links to that event. Most people will never click on your links and this kind of promotional junk is a great way to ensure people never visit your page again. The key is to post stuff that will engage your audience, encourage them to share, comment and like. Facebook uses something called "Edgerank" to determine what posts go into what fan's newsfeeds. The more participation you get on your page, the more of your posts will go into your fan's newsfeed. It is a fact that only about 4% of your fans will ever visit your site again after initially "Liking" it. That's why it is so important to get into as many newsfeeds as you can. Your promo junk won't make it. Of course your page will contain articles and posts and links going back to your website/blog, because that's the end-goal, to boost website traffic. It will be there and very accessible, just not the only or main thing being promoted. Customize your tabs and use a variety of engaging apps. Your tabs (also called apps because that's what they really are) are those little square buttons below and to the right of your cover photo. Did you know you can basically build a little mini-website right inside your Facebook page? You can customize these tabs to look really nice and to have contact forms, opt-in lists, contest and giveaway sweepstakes, and much more. And it's free! If you're not using these tabs, you're missing out on some very prime marketing real estate! This is one great place to promote your website/blog. Use Facebook AS YOUR PAGE and then like and participate in several pages within your niche. Your page name will be visible as the one who posted and it links right back to your page. It's like leaving your stamp all over the place. But be careful what you're posting. Don't be spammy. Don't even offer anything remotely promotional. People won't read it and you're wasting your time. Post quality content such as videos, tips, funny pictures, great articles, ask engaging questions, etc. The better the content, the more likely someone will click your name to find out who this is posting such great stuff.

And that's how to boost website traffic by using Facebook.

And that's how to create a page on Facebook, the RIGHT way!

Some Effective Tips on How to Draw Traffic   How to Increase Website Traffic - 5 Simple Steps to Effective Forum Marketing   How to Syndicate Your Content for ''Cold Hard Traffic''   If You Are Afraid Of Writing A Press Release You Then Need To Read This!   Tips For Getting Real Traffic To Help You Make Real Money Online   

Blogging Your Way to Targeted Traffic

With everyone and his Virtual Assistant advertising on the internet it just seems hopeless that your tiny ad will ever be seen much less drive targeted traffic to your website. Perhaps the answer is to try a different form of advertising such as blogging your market. Here are a few quick tips on getting the most out of your blogging efforts and drive targeted traffic to your website.

The first option is to have a blog set up either on your own site or a blogging service such as you need to blog at least every other day. This keeps your readers coming back to see what is new as well as it pings the search engines to spider your content. This may help in your search engine rankings.

Using the tags option only takes a few seconds and is a step well worth taking. Tags are noticed by the search engines and are another key for targeted traffic to find your website when searches are performed on blog search engines such as Technorati.

Once your blog is set up make sure your Tweeter, Facebook and every other social media button has your links and working properly. Ask your readers to "tweet" or "like" your posts. This will bring more targeted traffic to your website without any effort from you.

Read other blogs in your niche. When you find an informative blog post get in touch with the blog owner and offer to print that blog post in exchange for them posting one of your articles. With links attached it makes a great linking opportunity as well as having prospective targeted traffic reading your words. Of course, you both must have 'dofollow' blogs for this to work!

Another way to use blogging to drive targeted traffic to your website is to leave well-thought-out comments on other blogs that are about your niche which includes a link to your website/blog/affiliate link encouraging readers to check it out. Never leave just a one-liner comment and your affiliate link. Make an effort to contribute to the overall content of the blog post. You want the comment to reflect that you have really did read the whole post and that it contains a real opinion. Leaving comments and link on other blog posts exposes you to a whole new world of readers and creates backlinks to your blog if it is a "dofollow" blog.

Get involved in the social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. Do not just post links because this is counterproductive. People go to these sites to interact so be a real person. Interact. reply to people, have conversations. Then, when you have something new like a blog post, link it up. People respond to people they 'know' and that is what this is all about.

The last suggestion to blog your way to targeted traffic is to post your content on 'dofollow' community blogs such as, and Do not just submit posts but be a part of the community by reading, vote and comment on other members' posts.

Blogging is an easy way to get targeted traffic to your website when using these quick tips. Remember that persistence and patience rule the day.

Some Effective Tips on How to Draw Traffic   How to Increase Website Traffic - 5 Simple Steps to Effective Forum Marketing   How to Syndicate Your Content for ''Cold Hard Traffic''   If You Are Afraid Of Writing A Press Release You Then Need To Read This!   Tips For Getting Real Traffic To Help You Make Real Money Online   How to Create a Passive Income Stream and Siphon Leads From "Ninja Traffic Sources" - Get an Edge!   

Direct Mail And Facebook For Website Traffic

If you're looking to improve the amount of brand new customers that come into your business each and everyday, you will have to find new ways to promote yourself online, and do a wide variety of marketing strategies on a daily basis. If you want immediate sales, you have to be a traffic generation master.

Now getting traffic to your website doesn't have to be hard. All you have to do is follow a few simple techniques that will allow you to have the most success as possible in your internet business. I've been doing this for a long time now, and I can honestly tell you that if you want to get more new sales, you have to drive more and more traffic to your website on a consistent basis.

In today's lesson, I want to share with you some of the traffic methods that are working for me now, and how you can use these same techniques to work in your online business also. These strategies are very simple, and once you read them, you will see that it's very easy to make money online simply and easily. Here's the first traffic method that you can use in your online business today:

1) Direct mail to existing customers

Once you develop a large group of customers, there will come a point in time where the traffic from your existing will bring you 80% of your total business profits. Because of this, you will want to do anything that you can to sell more and more of your products to these people - over and over again.

One of the best ways to increase your conversion results and traffic count is with direct mail. You see if you just rely on email marketing to contact your existing customers, you're missing out on a great bunch of potential profits that you could be getting in your online business. Direct mail has been proven to increase sales of online business owners, and the same can be true of you if you decide to put it into use in your business.

Here's another way to get traffic to your website:

2) Facebook

Facebook is the number 2 ranked website on the internet (in terms of website traffic), and they are right behind Google (YouTube is number 3 by the way). The more "likes" and members that you can get to your Facebook page, and the more you interact with them, the more people will start to visit your site repeatedly to learn more free information or even to buy some of your products.

I think all businesses can benefit from Facebook. You can build a lot of relationships with your Facebook members, and can create special deals, campaigns, and activities that will allow you to get more website traffic, and boost your sales... all for free. But the first step is getting those Facebook "likes" and getting people to respond to you.

These 2 ways to get traffic to your website are both very good ways to make your business a success, and to start earning the money that you are looking for in your business. Hopefully you will put them into use.

Good luck with earning the money that you are looking for in your online business.

Some Effective Tips on How to Draw Traffic   How to Increase Website Traffic - 5 Simple Steps to Effective Forum Marketing   How to Syndicate Your Content for ''Cold Hard Traffic''   If You Are Afraid Of Writing A Press Release You Then Need To Read This!   Tips For Getting Real Traffic To Help You Make Real Money Online   How to Create a Passive Income Stream and Siphon Leads From "Ninja Traffic Sources" - Get an Edge!   

Drive Traffic to Your Website in 6 Easy Steps

All successful online businesses have one thing in common - they are big on driving traffic to their website. There are many ways to do it. In this article, I will focus on 6 key strategies that are known to be the most effective traffic generators for online businesses. Here is how you do it.

1. Article Marketing

Being one of the best methods to drive traffic to your website, Article Marketing brands you as an expert in your niche area. It is the best consistent way to drive free targeted traffic by creating back-links to your website. You may use your article in many ways - post it in directory sites, blog it, send it out as a newsletter or even compile it into a free report for your readers. Most article directories will allow you to place back-links in the resource box. If you are not a seasoned writer, you may outsource the writing which will cost you about $5.00 to $10.00 per article. The more articles you submit, the more traffic you will get. To maximize this strategy, submit an average of 1 article per day to the top 5 - 10 article directories.

2. Video Marketing

The benefits of video marketing are countless. Consider this marketing method if you want to reach out to thousands or even millions of people worldwide. It is the most effective given the fact that the latest statistics showed that an average online video viewer watches 273 minutes of video per day. Considered the "new kid on the block" traffic strategy, video marketing is also free and enjoys longevity. This means that you can keep your videos online as long as you wanted to - for months or even years. Here are examples of some video themes - funny, weird, shocking, sexy, inspiring, instructional or even personal. Whichever theme you choose, ensure that your message is clear and keep your video to less than 2 minutes.

3. Blogging

As the most unconventional method in internet marketing, blogging creates a personal touch between you and your targeted audience. It can be intensive yet rewarding. Intensive as you need to post blogs every other day, keep your blog theme relevant, and encourage both dialogue and debate. Rewarding because you will make lots of friends and your blog could end up being a great place to "hang out". Blogs are meant to give readers a fresh perspective of your products and services. It also encourages audience revisits for updated blogs and shared comments. Blogs can easily be set up using Blogger or Word Press. Note that while Blogger is free, Word Press will require hosting at a fee.

4. Forum Marketing

Before you start working on a forum marketing strategy, check the popularity level of a chosen topic within your niche. There are many forum marketing platforms for you to choose from. Check out the number of active members and thread to determine if your choice topic would garner a fair amount of followers. Publish at least 10 postings at the initial stage to start the ball rolling. Discuss interesting findings and share tips and strategies with your audience. Treat your audience like friends seeking your opinion or views.

5. Classified Advertisements

The most commonly used internet marketing strategy is Classified Advertisements. Some classified ad sites charge a flat fee per month for unlimited number of placements. Others offer them free or charge them as you advertise. Ensure that your ad contains a title and a description. Make your message as clear as possible with a "call to action" statement leading to your link. Paid advertisements generally result in producing faster traffic to your website.

6. Ad Swap or Solo Advertisements

Ad swap allows you to exchange advertisements with other internet marketers. This strategy is highly profitable as there is no cost involved. The down side is that you need to have your own subscriber list in order to initiate an exchange. As ad swap is limited to those with a ready list, those who are just starting out may consider buying solo advertisements. You may purchase a list of subscribers from other marketers for as low as $3.00 per subscriber.

To start, choose 2 or 3 strategies that work best for you. Success is not achieved overnight. Be consistent and keep working on the strategies that you have chosen even if results are slow. A continuation of my Online Business Biography Series, this article gives you an insight of how each one of the above strategies can help you in your internet business. Apply them and start driving traffic to your website now!

Some Effective Tips on How to Draw Traffic   How to Increase Website Traffic - 5 Simple Steps to Effective Forum Marketing   How to Syndicate Your Content for ''Cold Hard Traffic''   If You Are Afraid Of Writing A Press Release You Then Need To Read This!   

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